Saturday, January 29, 2011

You can never have "too many" colors!

Bought more colors today.. Hand picked some polishes from Kleancolor that didn't already have, sparkles, shimmers, calcium & strengthener. I'm growing out my nails or atleast i'm trying. Everytime i "try" i always do something random and chip one! Atleast doing it this way i'm saving some cash to design & pamper them myself rather than gettin' them done. Doesn't mean i'm quittin' that though lol.

Other colors i own. ;]


  1. I have a whole drawer full of polishes in a plastic organizer they dont fit anymore...I barely use them lol but i guess you can never have too many colors :)

  2. omg! you could start your own salon with all those colors!! lol

  3. Yes, yes, and yes! Can never have to many nail polish. I think I've told my BF 3 times now I won't buy anymore and somehow I always end up buying more.

  4. I use to have so much nail polish and idk what happened to it ! lol
    i love your blog.


